Create interactive applications with multiple pages.


Present content interactive, flexible and in multimedia: With the ClickThrough App various content can be freely positioned as a layer on several pages. A layer as well as a button can be used for navigation purposes or as a container. Within a container you may position either media of different formats - or straight away complete apps. Layers may be positioned freely on one or more pages, which can be linked via buttons. That way users can switch swiftly between different topics, designs and layouts. The configuration is facilitated intuitively via the integrated in-app editor.

Aktuelle App-Version

Version: -

Lizenzen / Preise

Alle Infos zum Lizenzmodell hier.

125,00 € / Miete ab

699,00 € / Kauf

Kategorien / Tags

Klicke auf die Kategorie, um weitere Apps zu diesem Thema zu finden:

Multimedia Views