The AppSuite will be installed onetime as client-software. Effectively, as interactive MultiTOUCH operating system, the AppSuite constitutes the central surface of the touch screen. From here, Apps are administered and started. By means of connecting to the Appstore, you can load new Apps and updates.
All administrative options can be entered via a uniform and intuitive interface. From here, whilst applying your own contents and designs, you create your individual modifications (Mods) of Apps and Widgets and combine them in uniform start menus (Views). Through connecting to the Appstore, new Apps, Widgets and updates can be downloaded, current licenses can be administered or new licenses can be added.
All Apps and Widgets are visible on a well structured matrix. From here, you can request and start diverse information on Apps as well as your individualized Mods.
The terminal is the virtual remote control of the AppSuite and can at all times be accessed in parallel to the Apps. For instance, you can turn up the volume through the handy circular menu, close the current App or switch to the backend of the AppSuite.
Let your visitors use the terminal independently, for example to change Apps on the touch display, or make it available to only certain colleagues.
You can easily control the AppSuite and the Apps with the mouse on your PC or laptop, e.g. when configuring and designing own Mods. Through the integrated touch simulator, finger contacts as well as tags are triggered virtually through the mouse. This way, your work station becomes a virtual test environment, where you can copy your created Mods at a later moment to a system with touch detection.
Use innovative object recognition in your applications to perform special operations: Access relevant content directly by placing any object on the screen, such as media files, widgets or apps. Use objects to add a haptical control for digital elements and applications, save and open data virtually on an object or grant special access to dedicated personnel.