Registration to eyefactive AppStore is subdivided into two registration stages. With your full registration you will get a free download of AppSuite, a personal user account and you will be eligible to license apps. For further information please take a look at our terms of use.
At the 1st registration stage you will gain access to a free download of AppSuite. Furthermore you can log in to AppStore with your personal user account either directly or via AppSuite anytime. To register please click on the corresponding link at the top right of the page. Just fill in the registration form and confirm your account by clicking on the link which will be sent to the email address you have just entered in the registration form. To acquire an app license you will need to update to the second registration stage.
After the update to the 2nd registration stage you will be able to comfortably acquire app licenses. Just log in on the AppStore website by clicking on the login button at the top right. When logged in enter the personal area (link at top right of the page) and complete your user profile by submitting the neccessary details. Please note that only business clients are eligible for the 2nd registration stage at present. Activation will be conducted manually by eyefactive usually the same day.